LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library


LGBTQ History Month is Upon Us!

October is here, it is our favorite month because we get to celebrate our history! We are so excited to share out all of the great events we have planned this month with all of you! Join us in person and on Zoom for various events that invite us to learn about our history, celebrate our present, and consider what our history asks from us as we look towards our future.

Visit us this weekend at Iowa City Pride to kick off LGBTQ History Month! Visit us on Saturday October 9th, 16th, or 23rd from 11am-3pm this month for our Open Archives to see what archival material we collect and learn more about LGBTQ history from across Iowa.

We are also hosting the Midwest Queer Mail Exchange with a theme to celebrate the month: MEMORY. Register by October 15th, if you want to participate in this month’s mail swap:

For our Zoom only events, you can find registration information below:

What Our History Calls Us to Do
October 12th, 7pm

A lecture by our Executive Director on the founding of the LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library contextualized within the history of LGBTQ community archives across the country. His talk will explore the historical work that our community in Iowa call us to do/make/respond to.
Register Here:

LGBTQ Oral History Training
October 14th & 21st, 6-8pm

Learn how to collect narratives for the LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library or your own LGBTQ oral history work. This training is two sessions and does require a small amount of reading or writing in preparation for each session. Please plan to attend both two hour sessions in full to complete the training.
Register Here:

Feeling Historical: Race and the Politics of Queer History Making, 1880-1920
October 19th, 7pm

Join the LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library for Historian Caroline Radesky’s lecture for LGBTQ History Month.
Register Here:


538 S. Gilbert St.
Close House – Second Floor
Iowa City, IA 52240

Monday closed
Tuesday closed
Wednesday closed
Thursday 6-8pm
Friday closed
Saturday 11am-3pm
Sunday 11am-3pm
or by appointment!

Mailing Address
538 S. Gilbert St.
Second Floor
Iowa City, IA 52240

General Inquiries –

Archives –

Upcoming Events
