Are you a lesbian gardening wiz? LGBTQ sex educator? Trans zine maker? We now have an open call for workshop proposals to create more community events in our new space at the Close House. Workshop instructors are compensated for their teaching time and prep!
- Workshop instructors must be members of the LGBTQ community
- Workshops will happen in the LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library lending library space at the Close House, which is operated by Public Space One. If needed, additional event space can be reserved in the house for workshop use.
- Workshop can be for all ages, or a specific age group (i.e. elementary, teen, or adult).
- Workshops can be designed for an identity group within the queer community (i.e. for trans people, for QTBIPOC, for lesbians, for asexual people, etc.)
- For instructors who live outside the Iowa City/CR area, contact about offering a virtual workshop